If you are a developer with Windows machine and want to play with AngularJS, here are the steps.
Here is the Angular Tutorial website.
Downloading Angular tutorial
- Create a clone on your machine
- Go to https://github.com/angular/angular-phonecat
- Choose "Clone in Desktop" (This asks you to give permission to start GitHub windows client)
- Download a given "step" within the turoial
- Run "git checkout -f -step-0" (here 0 should change depending on which step you want)
Running Angular tutorial using IIS
- Create a new test website
- Navigate to "Sites" folder
- Right-mouse click and choose "Add Web Site..."
- Name it "angulartest"
- Point to the directory where Angular tutorial web site exists
- Set Port value to 85 (or 86 or 8080, or whatever unused on your system)
- Configure permissions
- Right-mouse click on "angulartest" website and choose "Edit permissions..."
- Under "Sharing" tab, share the folder with "Everyone"
- Under "Security" tab, add "Everyone" to the list of users.
- Configure application pool for the test website
- In IIS, select "Application Pools"
- Select "angulartest" from the list
- Select "Basic settings..." from the Actions on the right hand side
- In Edit Application Pool
- Set "No Managed Code" to .NET Framework version
- Set "Classic" for Managed pipeline mode
- Select "Advanced settings..." from the Actions on the right hand side
- Set "NetworkService" at Identity property
- Run angular tutorial in a web browser
- Browse to localhost:85/app/index.html
Running Angular tutorial using Node.JS
- Install node.js (just download an installer)
- Install http-server package
- Run "npm install http-server- g"
- Start web server
- CD into the root directory of Angular Tutorial
- Run "http-server -p85 (-p is to specify port)
- Run angular tutorial in a web browser
- Browse to localhost:85/app/index.html
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